While at Mom's for an early Thanksgiving, these pretty little dancing fairies giggled, twirled, switched dresses, and danced again. The plastic tiara broke and the wings were too tight on their arms, and we couldn't find the floor of Mom's "princess room" for 3 days. Between the Irish dance, the constant spins to see how big the skirt would fly, and even a little square dancing, it was quite a site. Why did I even bother to pack the jeans and sweaters? How unfairylike of me.
man, i miss fairy dresses.
What a darling picture! How fun when little girls get together and dance and play. Such JOY.
Anyway, I enjoyed spending time with you and your family and everyone. I wish we could do that more often.
OK. I have set up a blog site too, called michellericsmom on xanga. Let me know if you can find it. I put a picture of Eric on it with his wrestling medal that he won this weekend! Woo Hoo!
I love you,
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