Thursday, January 08, 2015

Jan 7 ~ Progress

I completely forgot to say hello to the blogger world yesterday! But whats important, did I do my mile!?? YES! And then some….

I love my Bootcamp class at the Dan Kinney Center. On Wednesdays, the trainer, Tiana (I love her!),  sets up 4-5 stations and we get in abs, strength, cardio, plyo… I was a little sore from Tuesday strength training, so I set no records. Truth is, I have never been able to do all the reps and all the sets that the trainer does! If she says do 25 star jumps, I do maybe 12. And that's if I feel strong that day! But earlier I mentioned my favorite quote there, "Strive for PROGRESS, not perfection." So, I am there, aiming for the best I can do. 
Oh, and that mile? Yes, I did it separately on the treadmill. Just ONE mile. :)

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