A lot has happened in the 4 years since this shot was taken. ..
I've been absent these few weeks from the blog/facebook/email world completely because I have been blitzing the market to find where we should live next. Almost 2 weeks ago on a Sunday night, the family was enjoying the 3rd annual Lord of the Rings watch party (something it seems only our family enjoys), when the phone rang with an offer on our house. I about choked on my popcorn. After a few days of negotiations, we came to terms and that's when it all began.
With the main search criteria being the Log-Rog school district, I checked out every active, expired, and withdrawn listing fron the last year... That's a lot for this slow computer connection, too!
So finally I came across this beauty that sits on 8 acres a little further out in Rog. Fantastic, AND the current owners are even Sooner fans. It was meant to be. We agreed on terms this morning and now we are under contract to buy their pretty home. Can't wait. I love it!
I'll try to stay current here, but the move is on...
(By the way, it has some georgeous photo spots!)