Saturday, November 24, 2007

On the road again...

Sorry, folks, it's been so long since I've written, but life's been a little full. So, in honor of my Dad, I will give it to you in memo form:

1. A couple of weekends ago we started our adventures with a quick trip down to OK to visit my Mom. I fixed her a full Thanksgiving spread complete with homemade cranberry sauce, greg did some yardwork, and we just got to enjoy spending a little time with her. Pleas PRAY for her, she is hoping to get a 2nd liver transplant ASAP. I talk to her everyday and she sounds fine and her spirits and good, too, but I know she is miserable and wants to do anything to feel better and live a "normal" life again. More on that later, I'm sure.

2. Went to Mizzou for Lauren's swim meet - The Reynolds, Rogers, Tiltons, and many SPA families were there. She did awesome and shaved time off each race. Maybe I'll actually post a pic when I get home. It was a blast!

3. We left only 2 days later (just long enough to do laundry and repack) for our 2200 mile, 7 day, 3 kids, plus Nana roadtrip to SC and NC to visit family for the holidays. Again, thanks for praying.

4. This now brings you up to date... we are now on day 5 of this particular adventure. Hotels every night and never in the same one for more than 2 nights... I feel like I'm in a traveling singing group or a circus. Maybe even debutation. Oh well, we thoroughly enjoyed Columbia, SC and the family there. Ron and Pam, if you see this - THANK YOU! I so wish we lived closer together.

5. Now for a random thought: I bought sunglasses again the other day. I opted for cheap and stylish instead of the polarized kind for driving. Keeps me young.

6. PEOPLE! If I go to all the trouble to make you a personalized calendar for Christmas - USE IT. Write all over it, scribble things out, and put stickers on it. It's not a keepsake album to store in the drawer. Thanks JoAnne for having yours up and wearing it out.

That's all for now, sorry this was long, but if you really read it, thanks. You're my friend.

1 comment:

Hillenblog said...

I have never gotten a personalized Christmas Calender...