Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Photowalk 2009





This past Saturday I met up with 40 other photographers in downtown Springfield to participate in a "World Wide Photo Walk." There is a website, cities do this all over the world, literally. Prizes can be won, and most of all they want you to download a free trial to Lightroom 2 , which I will do. I've been meaning to try it anyway. so here goes. I did learn a lot, some technical stuff, yes, but mainly ideas. Ahh, those alley's and doorways! Great new ideas for portraits, so I can't wait to experiment!
Of the shots I took, I can honestly say I'm not taken with very many. I guess it's because I love faces. But it was good for me to find shadows, lines, and color. So enjoy these, know there is more coming...
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you biggest fan!!!! Love them all....