Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Midsummer's Night celebration...


Betsy, it's time. We are waiting. And I don't know if any of those Schaffitzel's blog or not
(they're usually too busy working...), but they really do the most amazing flowers!

I'm hoping for the sun to break through just a little bit for a photo session today. Clouds are actually very good for light, but this is a little much. Plus it's so COLD!
Speaking of photo sessions, I'm thinking I may set aside a day in October for me to take pictures of families for their Christmas cards! How about a Sunday afternoon? You'd already be cleaned up for church (well, maybe :-) and the Saturdays are pretty well crammed already. I would have to charge a minimal session fee, but you'd get a disc with all the great images and a low resolution print out of the images so you can make notes and pick your favorites. Then I can either have them printed for you at cost or you can do whatever you want with them. How's that sound?? I'll decide how much the session fee will be and post that for your information.

You can also contact me at VeriTeri@gmail.com

All for now,

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